This Friday… just as our ancestors did…

This Friday… just as our ancestors did…

Etruscan Dancers
Etruscan wall painting, Tarquinia, ~470BCE

Friday 5 Rhythms 
Fri 6th May 
Horfield Parish Church Hall

Dear Dancers

Humans love to dance. We always have and – hopefully – we always will.

In our Friday night 5 Rhythms sessions, we dance who and how we are. We dance when we are stressed, we dance to celebrate, we dance through wars, we dance to express joy. Through all the the challenges of today’s world – we dance. Just as our ancestors did.

So come and dance…

sparkles emoji
sparkles emoji

(as usual, booking open
for the next 4 classes)

See you on the dance floor.

With Love,
Jon, for Bernadette & team xxx

See also: