Online Wave – February 26
Dear Dancers, We just updated the Online Waves page — you’ll find it here — enjoy! 🙂 Online Waves We’re happy so many people are dancing Bernadette’s Online Waves 🙂 Even though you might not be able to make it
Weekly classes are a doorway into the 5Rhythms, its essential structure and character. They are also a place of practice to embody and ground the deeper work. A remarkable aspect of the Rhythms is that, with very diverse experience and intentions, we can all dance together and all find what we need.
No need for any experience, just book online and come along – if you are not familiar with the 5Rhythms check out “The 5Rhythms“ above.
See also: Monthly Sunday 5Rhythms Dance in Weston-super-Mare, with Jon Ralls.
Gathers weekly in Bristol, to connect and support one another to drop deeper in the dance. This is where we expand the experience, comprehension and embodiment of the profound 5Rhythms map.
Workshops take the practice to another level. They are uninterrupted time – often several days, often in a residential setting. The focus allows you to shift and expand the energy and ‘vocabulary’ of your dance. The places this practice takes you are unpredictable and often extraordinary.
Bernadette’s workshops combine different aspects of her work and experience, in unique and powerful ways.
Residentials booking now
Awaken the Creative Self
EarthSpirit Centre, nr Glastonbury
Feb 12-16, 2025
Cycles with Tammy Burstein
Bristol, Residential
April 9-13, 2025
The Deepening – 5 day Waves Intensive
EarthSpirit Centre, nr Glastonbury
June 13-17, 2025
… and for your diary
5 day Heartbeat Residential (title t.b.c.)
Rhossili Village Hall & Bunkhouse,
Gower Coast, S.Wales.
Sept 17-21, 2025
Further exciting workshops planned for 2025/2026!
To find out as soon as anything is launched, why not join our mailing list?
See also: Selected feedback from participants in our previous workshops/events.
Bernadette also teaches shorter workshops, either in or near Bristol, or by invitation of 5Rhythms organisers elsewhere. Join our mailing list to find out where and when.
Dear Dancers, We just updated the Online Waves page — you’ll find it here — enjoy! 🙂 Online Waves We’re happy so many people are dancing Bernadette’s Online Waves 🙂 Even though you might not be able to make it
Dear Dancers check availability &BOOK NOW Friday 5Rhythms® with Neil Pinnock (guest) Horfield Parish Church Hall, Bristol (weekly)Feb 14, 2025, 8:30-10:30pm (+café time) Neil is back – and for many of you needs no introduction – he brings a playful
Dear Dancers check availability &BOOK NOW Friday 5Rhythms® with Bernadette Ryder Horfield Parish Church Hall, Bristol (weekly)Feb 7, 2025, 8:30-10:30pm (+café time) Dance Dance Dance! …tonight!… & you’re Welcome And the next 3 weeks: 14th – Neil Pinnock 21st – [no class] 28th
Walking in Stillness, Rhossili Beach (©2018 Jon Ralls)
Bernadette has been teaching the 5Rhythms dance practice since 1998, and trained in 5Rhythms Heartbeat™ advanced practice 2005-7. Her approach to the work has been influenced by a number of other profound spiritual practices: principally Isha Yoga, Movement Medicine, Sky Dancing Tantra, Sacred Trust Shamanism and the teachings of Abraham Hicks. She also practices yoga, meditation and Kriya breathwork, which she integrates beautifully into her classes, workshops and training programmes.
Jon is your point of contact for practical questions, bookings for classes, workshops and Rhythm Circle.
Jon has been dancing the 5Rhythms since 2008, when Bernadette began introducing movement into environmental awareness training events that they were running together.
He produces workshops, administers mailing lists, is (un)Sound Engineer for live and Zoom classes, and coordinates the wonderful team of volunteer crew (thank you all!)
Jon has recently completed the 2023/24 5Rhythms Waves Teacher Training programme. He holds regular 5Rhythms Classes in Weston-super-Mare.
See also: Jon's profile on 5rhythms.com.
(In alphabetical order; an ‘avatar’ may be shown, for reasons of professional privacy.)
NOTE: For bookings enquiries on the day, please use phone/text.
If the form does not appear when you click the button above, please use this alternative contact form.