Sweat Your Prayers, Friday Nov 29 (drop-in); & heads up: Solstice Celebration

“Sweat Your Prayers®” – this Friday night
November 29, 8pm-10:30pm

Ecstatic dancer

To sweat is to pray, to make an offering of your innermost self.
Sweat is holy water, prayer beads, pearls of liquid that release
your past. The more you dance… the more you sweat, the more you
pray. The more you pray, the closer you are to ecstasy.
— Gabrielle Roth

This Friday is the last of the month – so join us to ‘Sweat Your Prayers’
– A guided warm-up then a wave with no words, simply moving through the
5 Rhythms® with music as our guide.
Usual time, usual place, cafe after (details also below).

And while we have your attention…

Star and Circle emoji

Solstice Celebration
December 20, 8pm-11pm(ish)

DMAC, Hamilton House (i.e. usual place & time)
– last Friday before Xmas – 30 mins longer (drop-in)

Our last Friday session of the year – a short ceremony and a good long dance, to celebrate this ‘still point’ – the shortest days and longest nights of the year – and henceforth the returning of the light 🙂
It’s a drop-in, no need to book, just don’t miss it – same price, same start time.
(No entry after 8:30pm – please arrive for 8pm start if possible.)

See you on the dance floor.

With love
Jon, for Bernadette & team xxx

Dancing over the holiday period…

  • Dec 20 – Solstice Celebration (see above)
  • Dec 27 – NO CLASS – it’s the only Friday of the year we take a rest…
  • Dec 31 – New Year’s Eve – we are not organising an event, but if you are looking to dance that night, check out Dawn Morgan’s in Stroud, which sounds great – details on Dawn’s website

and/or come and join us for…

Jan 3rd – New Year Lift-Off – ‘dance as you mean to goon’ – join us getting the year off to a positive and visionary start 🙂 (drop-in).

Please note: Hamilton House reception is now only guaranteed to be staffed until 8:15pm, though there may be someone there until 8:30. Please arrive in plenty of time (the class starts at 8pm) or you may not be able to get in.