Jean Rankin in Bristol, Friday Feb 16 (drop-in)

Jean Rankin – our guest teacher this Friday, Feb 16, 2018

The first of our mini ‘festival’ of guest teachers is Jean Rankin from Glastonbury. For those who came to her ‘storming’ class last time she taught here, she’ll need no introduction  🙂

Jean’s website invites you to ‘Dance Your Dream Awake’ – here’s what she says on her 5 Rhythms Global profile:

“I am a 5Rhythms teacher with a strong background in shamanic ceremony and alchemy. I know myself to be part of the monumental shift in consciousness that began in the late 1980’s and continues now as we race ahead into the complete unknown of this chaos wave in human evolution. Being rooted in my connection to the natural world through my shamanic path, I come to the dance floor to share what I have learned with everyone and anyone, in this simple and profound practice.

“Gabrielle Roth left us a great legacy with this practice that will keep us grounded, present and behaving as decent human beings able to stand up to the tide of distraction and destruction.

“We have only just begun.”

While Bernadette is away, we have the privilege of wonderful guest teachers for 3 sessions – each with their unique teaching style, they share a gift for making the profound both accessible and (when appropriate) playful. They are:
– 16 Feb – Jean Rankin
– 25 Feb – Neil Pinnock
– 02 Mar – Andrew Holmes
Bernadette is back on Mar 9th.

See you on the dance floor!

With love

Bernadette, Jean, Jon & team xxx