February Festival of Fridays – Jean Rankin

February Festival of Fridays – Jean Rankin

Dear Dancers

Friday 5Rhythms® in Bristol

Horfield Parish Church Hall 
Fridays in February 2024, 8:30pm – 10:30pm
with fabulous guest teachers

Thank you so much to Jessica Howie for a beautiful class last week – and to everyone who danced our journey into the delicious closing Stillness.

Feb 9 – This week’s class will be taken by Jean Rankin, who needs no introduction for so many of you – playful and profound, mischievous and magical. Don’t miss it. 

and on Friday nights the rest of this month (also booking now)…

(Feb 16 – No Class – venue unavailable
Feb 23 – Neil Pinnock (also booking now)

and weekly Monday mornings…

5Rhythms Sweat logo

Monday 5Rhythms® Sweats in Bristol

Scout Resource Centre, Eastville 
12th February 2024, 10:30am – 12:30pm
with Jon Ralls, 5Rhythms Teacher in Training
(mentored by Ajay Rajani & Bernadette Ryder)

A Rhythms® Sweat begins with a gentle warm-up and demonstration followed by an unguided Wave where the music moves you and your body is the teacher. 
full details here: https://in-rhythm.com/sweats

and read on below for more 🙂

All Love, 
Jon, for Bernadette, guests & team xxx

…and deeper…

Elemental Rhythms 2024

Rhossili, Gower Coast, South Wales 
Residential workshops with Bernadette Ryder

Elemental Rhythms 2024 is a series of four workshops, each devoted to the teachings of one of the elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air. The workshops can be done individually, but they will also build on each other in a progressive sequence – each element being a gateway to a deeper connection with our world, our-selves, and our potential. 

Earth: April 18-21 * don’t miss the early bird * 
Fire: June 27-30 
Water: Sept 19-22 
Air: Nov 7-10 

Full details and online booking on our website here: 
(early bird and series discounts)

See also: