5Rhythms® Dance with Bernadette Ryder

5Rhythms® Dance with Bernadette Ryder

Elemental Rhythms

Residential 5Rhythms Workshop Series,
Rhossili, South Wales, 2024

About the workshops

Elemental Rhythms is a series of four workshops, each inspired by the teachings of one of the elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air. The workshops can be done individually, but they will also build on each other in a progressive sequence – each element being a gateway to a deeper connection with our world, our-selves, and our potential.

Workshop 1: EARTH

Working particularly with Flowing, the body, the physical, and the feminine – teaching the power of being.

Cave mouth near Rhossili

Most of us long to deepen into fundamental connection with the earth mother, who birthed our physical nature, and who nourishes the sensual experience of life. When we actively engage with earth energy, we step through a portal into the mysteries of the physical.

In this dimension, we can deepen into the teachings of flowing, the body, and the feminine principle. We can connect with, and make sense of, primary patternings in our persona which have emerged through our experience of being mothered. This opens the opportunity both to heal core woundings and to evolve beyond them, as we learn and grow into the power of being.

[book for Earth online]
(you can add others once you’re there)

Workshop 2: FIRE (Heartbeat)

Working with Staccato, the landscape of heart, feeling, passion, tenderness, and the masculine – teaching the power of loving.

Fire on Rhossili Beach

When we engage with the element of fire we step through a portal into the teachings of the universal father – the energy source fuelling all life on earth – the Sun.

In this landscape we encounter the principles of staccato, the masculine, the topography of the heart and the kaleidoscope of human emotions: passion, tenderness, the many faces of love, and the many facets of human relationship.

These teachings foster our capacity to shape our own lives, set our own boundaries, and determine our direction and destiny.

Within this dimension we explore the patterns we each acquired through our experience of being fathered – opening the opportunity to evolve beyond our core woundings and expand into the power of loving.

[book for Fire online]
(you can add others once you’re there)

Workshop 3: Water, Heart & the Intuitive Mind (Heartbeat)

Working with Chaos, the energy field of the mind, the ego, the trickster, and intuition – teaching the power of knowing.

Within the domain of water, we encounter the energy fields of the mind and the perpetual interplay between the heart and mind. If left unattended this tends to lock us in habitual patterns: discouraging thoughts creating discouraging feelings creating discouraging thoughts and round it goes – trapping us in self doubt, negativity and dissatisfying lifestyles.

The energy of our Dance interrupts these unconscious patterns, exposing them even as it frees us from their treadmill. In our unfettered dance we face the exquisite thrill of dancing with forces greater than ourselves, and learn to hear and trust the subtle voice of intuition that knows: when to forge our direction and when to yield to the current, when to shape our world and when to be shaped by it – growing and nurturing the power of knowing that resides at the heart of chaos.

[book for Water online]
(you can add others once you’re there)

Workshop 4: AIR

Working with Lyrical, the soul, the imagination – Stepping into a vision quest and the teachings of the power of seeing.

Murmuration of birds at dusk

Placeholder text:
A description of this workshop will be added here in due course.

[book for Air online]
(you can add others once you’re there)

In our chosen residential setting – with its rolling moorland, secluded beaches and windswept cliffs – the elements are so powerfully present that opening to their potency, and letting them guide and inspire our work is both easy and obvious.

Add to the stunning location: a supportive community of dedicated dancers, nourishing whole earth food by the celebrated MAJiC Times, an exceptionally experienced and committed teacher, and we have all the ingredients needed to facilitate deep healing and nourishing work.

The greatest gift of the 5 Rhythms is that, when engaged with deeply and fully, it takes us on a journey of progressive expansion towards our full potential as creative, loving beings. Catalytic in nature, it works to free the body, open the heart, still the mind and awaken consciousness. Ultimately, this entirely physical practice is a spiritual experience.


Earth: April 18-21
Fire: June 27-30 (Heartbeat™)
Water, Heart & the Intuitive Mind:
Sept 19-22
Air: Nov 7-10

Times: 6pm Thurs – 4pm Sun
Venue: Rhossili, The Gower, S. Wales (see below)

Price examples – tuition:
Individual workshops from: £379 (see below)
(various discounts for early booking & multiple workshops)
Meals & refreshments £130 (per workshop)
Accommodation from £90 (per workshop)

Format: Series of 4 workshops (bookable individually)
Level: Waves/Heartbeat™
Booking: Online – book & pay deposit

Prices, booking & payment

Full series:

Book in advance for all 4 workshops:
Tuition: £1,396
(=£349 per workshop)
(food & accommodation extra)

Book in advance for all four:

 per w/shoptotal

*Shared bunkhouse room – see ‘More about accommodation & food pricing‘ below.

Payment in monthly instalments:
If you would like to spread your payments, call Jon for details: 07970 069 256 

Note: If you ‘upgrade’ to full series later:
Discounts are cumulative but not retrospective – if you ‘upgrade’ to the full series after attending one or more workshops, the ‘series price’ applies to those yet to take place, but not to those already attended.

All meals & refreshments: £130 per workshop
Healthy sustaining vegetarian food from MAJiC Times conscious catering; plus teas, coffee and drinks in between.

Bunkhouse accommodation: £90.00 per workshop per person (3 nights)
Includes use of shared facilities at the venue.

Sharing: Bunkhouse rooms accommodate 2 or 3 people. Triple occupancy will only start once all rooms are occupied.

Single rooms may be requested – if we’re full and that’s not possible, you would at least be guaranteed a twin (i.e. not a 3) and the difference refunded.
Single room: £180 (£90+£90 supplt).

The accommodation element of your booking price is provisional. You’ll pay an amount based on your sharing preference, and there may be a small adjustment later. We do all we can to accommodate preferences, but cannot guarantee it in advance – if a variation looks likely, we’ll call you in advance to discuss.

For clarification:
Please feel free to call Jon: 07970 069 256

Other accommodation (if available):
There is likely to be a small number of  ‘luxury upgrades’ to stay in a cottage close by – please ask if you’re interested.
All participants contribute to the shared facilities – bunkhouse prices include this, but if you are arranging your own accommodation (e.g. camping), there is a charge of £60 per workshop
(Staying elsewhere may not be an option – PLEASE ASK before booking anything).

Individual workshops:

FROM: £379 per workshop:
(booking two or more at early bird)
Full tuition price: £459 per individual workshop
LESS these discounts, which can be combined:
Early bird*: £40 off
‘Multiple’: £40 off per workshop.
(food & accommodation extra)

* Early Bird price applies to bookings made and paid in full by 8 weeks before the start of the workshop.

Single Workshop full price£459
Single Workshop early bird*£419
W/shop if attending more than one and early bird applies£379
in each case PLUS:
Total per workshop all inclusive from£599

* Early Bird price applies to bookings made and paid in full by 8 weeks before the start of the workshop.
**Note: Assumes shared bunkhouse accommodation – see ‘More about accommodation & food pricing‘ below.

Early Bird:
A £40 discount on workshops booked and paid in full more than 8 weeks before the start of the workshop. The payment needs to be received in our bank account by then, as this is the date at which we pay the bulk of the venue cost, so please make payment at least a couple of days before the deadline.

‘Multiple’ bookings:
Book on more than one, and you get £40 off each forthcoming workshop. If it’s more than 8 weeks away, as in the following example, you get the early bird too – a total of £80 off 🙂

An example:
If you were to book for Earth just before it starts in April and, at the same time, for Water (in Sept, so more than 8 weeks away), you would get the multiple booking discount on both, and the early bird on Water, making the tuition costs £419 and £379 respectively.

Feel free to call Jon for a quote before actually placing your booking: 07970 069 256

All meals & refreshments: £130 per workshop
Healthy sustaining vegetarian food from MAJiC Times conscious catering; plus teas, coffee and drinks in between.

Bunkhouse accommodation: £90.00 per workshop per person (3 nights)
Includes use of shared facilities at the venue.

Sharing: Bunkhouse rooms accommodate 2 or 3 people. Triple occupancy will only start once all rooms are occupied.

Single rooms may be requested – if we’re full and that’s not possible, you would at least be guaranteed a twin (i.e. not a 3) and the difference refunded.
Single room: £180 (£90+£90 supplt).

The accommodation element of your booking price is provisional. You’ll pay an amount based on your sharing preference, and there may be a small adjustment later. We do all we can to accommodate preferences, but cannot guarantee it in advance – if a variation looks likely, we’ll call you in advance to discuss.

For clarification:
Please feel free to call Jon: 07970 069 256

Other accommodation (if available):
There is likely to be a small number of  ‘luxury upgrades’ to stay in a cottage close by – please ask if you’re interested.
All participants contribute to the shared facilities – bunkhouse prices include this, but if you are arranging your own accommodation (e.g. camping), there is a charge of £60 per workshop
(Staying elsewhere may not be an option – PLEASE ASK before booking anything).

Booking & payment

Booking deposit: £150 per workshop (via PayPal or bank transfer) secures your place.

The balance of tuition, food and (provisional) accommodation is payable, by bank transfer or cash, to be received 8 weeks before the start of the appropriate workshop(s) (or immediately on receipt of your booking confirmation and bank details, once the early bird has expired).

Please also see…

Your total booking price will be calculated based on your accommodation sharing preference – see ‘More about accommodation & food pricing‘ above.
Payment methods:
Deposits may be paid online or  via bank transfer/cash by arrangement.
Your balance can only be paid by bank transfer/cash (not by card or PayPal, due to the level of fees involved).

In line with our usual Terms & Conditions:
– if we are forced to cancel (e.g. due to covid regulations), moneys paid will be refunded in full, or rolled forward to a future booking (at your option);
– if you cancel, we regret that your deposit is non-refundable, due to the the level of financial commitment involved in setting up residential workshops.
non-payment of balance may result in your place being offered to someone on the waiting list, as our numbers are very limited, and the timescales short.
5RTA members: 20% discount on tuition:
Please book online as usual, and contact Jon – the full discount will be deducted from your balance due.


There are no formal prerequisites for these workshops, but it is recommended that you have attended at least a few drop-in classes with an accredited 5Rhythms Teacher beforehand. Related ecstatic dance practices such as Movement Medicine, Soul Motion and Open Floor are also helpful, as are other practices which bring focus to movement, attention and breath, such as yoga.

5RTA members: 20% discount on tuition element of the cost. Please book online as usual, and contact Jon – the full discount will be deducted from your balance due.

5Rhythms Waves Teacher Training:
Each workshop counts for 4 days (24 hours) of the appropriate Map towards Teacher Training pre-requisites as follows:
Earth: 4 days Waves
Fire: 4 days Heartbeat
Water: 4 days Heartbeat
Air: 4 days [t.b.c.]

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    NO thank you – one-off enquiryYES please – add me to your mailing/waiting list(s)…

    ALL: Weekly Open Classes AND Workshops/EventsWorkshops/Events only

    All forthcomingRhossili ResidentialsCycles (residential, Apr'25)Just the one (other)

    (please specify in Subject above or Message below!)

    Rhythm Circle (weekly closed group) Waiting List

    Before joining the waiting list, please make sure you read all about Rhythm Circle – thanks!

    (optional but recommended)

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    Note: We do not spam!
    To unsubscribe or change your options at any time, please use the buttons/ links at the foot of our emails 🙂 Thank you!

    call Jon: 07970 069 256

    A note about covid

    To satisfy Welsh Government and venue requirements, and our Risk Assessment based on UKActive guidelines, we are likely to be living as a ‘Covid-secure private group’. We can then behave normally together inside the venue; any more specific requirements we’ll know nearer the time. Practical  guidelines will resemble those for classes – kept under review; current version reproduced here for reference:

    For peace of mind, and out of respect for all concerned:

    • It is now essential that you arrive on time. The doors close 15 minutes after the start (no admittance, sorry). Thank you.
    • To care for each other:
      • if you can, please self-test negative (using the ‘lateral flow ‘rapid test’) within at most 48 hours before the class. We appreciate that these tests are no longer free, or even readily available – this is not a requirement.

      Please do not come to the class if you or a member of your household has symptoms that could be covid.

    • Please bring plenty of water.
    • In line with our risk assessment, based on UKActive guidelines:
      • total numbers in the class may be limited;
      • the venue will be ventilated while we are dancing, while ensuring that thermal comfort is not significantly compromised (to avoid injury);
      • we shall not be working with physical contact at all;
      • you may be requested to provide contact details for NHS Test & Trace, either in advance (on booking), or on arrival by either scanning an NHS QR Code or on paper – see Note below, and Privacy Policy addendum for details.
      • Commonly touched surfaces (doorhandles etc) will be sanitised in advance.
      • Wearing a face covering is your own choice, but please note that wearing a mask during exercise is not recommended in the English government guidelines.

    See also:

    Weekly Class Terms & Conditions.


    Our guidelines and venue risk assessments have been prepared with reference to national regulations, guidelines and current scientific understanding of covid-19 transmission, specifically as interpreted by UK Active, the national organisation representing operators of fitness venues, and similar bodies worldwide. Statistical evidence to date suggests that these precautions result in remarkably little transmission.

    If and when Test & Trace is operating, we shall ask for your contact details, in case requested by NHS Test & Trace. It is not compulsory to provide this information, but is recommended. This is privately held by us, and the likelihood of it being requested from us is extremely small.

    The above information is intended to be helpful for our class and workshop attendees, and supplements other general advice regarding symptoms, self-isolation etc., including any local regulations currently in force.

    Updated: 31 March 2022


    Rhossili Village Hall & Bunkhouse

    Middleton, Rhossili, Swansea SA3 1PL

    Updated to show pin exactly on venue 🙂 Click title to close, & anywhere on map to shrink annoying white box!Nearest postcode for SatNav is SA3 1PL, but on Google Maps it’s more precise if you search for ‘Rhossili Bunkhouse’.

    The dance hall is light and spacious, with a natural wood floor.

    The workshops are residential – we strongly encourage you to stay ‘onsite’, ideally in the bunkhouse or our additional cottage if available (see below).

    Shared accommodation:

    • Rhossili bunkhouse bedroom The Bunkhouse is comfortable and inexpensive (5* ‘Excellent’ on Google reviews). Bunkrooms are simply furnished, each sleeping 2 or 3 people (subject to current restrictions) in single beds and solid wood bunk beds, fixed to the wall for stability. There are showers on each floor, a lounge/dining room and kitchen.
    • Room allocations will be discussed and preferences accommodated as far as possible.
    • Room pricing: accommodation is priced per person, based on sharing unless a supplement is paid.
    • Single rooms: may be requested (see ‘More about accommodation & food pricing’ above).

    Staying nearby:

    • This is a residential workshop, but for those requiring greater comfort/privacy, there may (or may not) be other options, including cottages and a local B&B very close by, and a campsite slightly further away.
      Please call to discuss with Jon: 07970 069 256
      (BEFORE booking anything!)

    See: ‘Other local info/resources’.

    Rhossili Village Hall and Bunkhouse is run by Trustees for the benefit of the local community.

    Meals & Refreshments

    This includes three meals a day from Thursday dinner through to Sunday lunch, plus healthy snacks, fruit and teas in between.

    We are delighted to be working with the celebrated MAJiC Times conscious catering, who have many years’ experience providing healthy, nutritious and sustaining vegetarian / vegan food at conscious dance and other workshops.

    All the food will be vegetarian and organic / local as far as possible. Specific dietary requirements can usually be catered for by prior arrangement.

    Travel & local info/resources

    IF POSSIBLE PLEASE CAR-SHARE – ideally with your room-mate(s) if you know who they are 🙂
    Rhossili is about 2 hours drive from Bristol, along the M4 to Swansea, then along the south side of the Gower Peninsula. The postcode for SatNavs is SA3 1PL, but on Google Maps it’s more precise if you search for ‘Rhossili Bunkhouse’.
    [Google map in new tab]
    The Car Park has space for around 10 vehicles (a couple more if they are all parked considerately).

    There are direct trains from Bristol, Cardiff and London to Swansea. There it’s a 15 minute walk (or short hop on a local bus) from rail station to bus station, then an hour’s bus ride right to the door of the venue (make sure you get off at the Village Hall, don’t go all the way to Worm’s Head!) Alternatively, you can probably arrange for someone who’s driving to pick you up at Swansea 🙂
    National Rail website
    Bus route Swansea-Rhossili [CHECK & LINK]

    There are flights direct to Cardiff and Bristol airports from many European cities and even farther afield. (If you have to fly to one of the London airports, you might want to arrive in the UK a day or two before, or you will have very long day travelling!)

    There is wealth of other info on the Gower Holidays website, including:

      Subject (please edit if required):

      Keep me up to date?
      NO thank you – one-off enquiryYES please – add me to your mailing/waiting list(s)…

      ALL: Weekly Open Classes AND Workshops/EventsWorkshops/Events only

      All forthcomingRhossili ResidentialsCycles (residential, Apr'25)Just the one (other)

      (please specify in Subject above or Message below!)

      Rhythm Circle (weekly closed group) Waiting List

      Before joining the waiting list, please make sure you read all about Rhythm Circle – thanks!

      (optional but recommended)

      [ privacy ]

      Note: We do not spam!
      To unsubscribe or change your options at any time, please use the buttons/ links at the foot of our emails 🙂 Thank you!

      call Jon: 07970 069 256

      Fall Bay, Rhossili (c) Daniel Tomlinson
      Fall Bay, Rhossili © Daniel Tomlinson


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