Untangle our feet and free our souls

Untangle our feet and free our souls

Dear Dancers

5 Rhythms Friday drop-in classes

Horfield Parish Church Hall
3rd February 8:30 – 10:30pm

Welcome to February – and Happy Imbolc / St Brigid’s – a time of hearth and home, community and creativity. Even as we all huddled round fires to escape the winter cold, the snowdrops are emerging announcing the coming spring. 

Inner Fires were certainly blazing last Friday, when it was a joy to see many of you making good use of a bit more space than usual. Come and join this week’s dance – St Brigid is patron saint of poets so, to quote Hafiz, let’s untangle our feet and free our souls – together.

See you on the dance floors

All Love,
Jon, for Bernadette, & team xxx

I sometimes forget 
that I was created for Joy.

My mind is too busy. 
My Heart is too heavy 
for me to remember 
that I have been 
called to dance 
the Sacred dance of life.

I was created to smile 
To Love 
To be lifted up 
And to lift others up.

O’ Sacred One 
Untangle my feet 
from all that ensnares.

Free my soul. 
That we might 
and that our dancing 
might be contagious.


* early bird deadline this Sunday (Feb 5th) *

“The Deepening”

Residential 5 Rhythms Workshop
Rhossili, South Wales, May 3 -7, 2023

A deep dive into the fundamental teaching of the 5 Rhythms – how to surrender to the flow of our own energy through dance, enabling us to recover that vital spontaneity.

The Deepening 5 Rhythms Residential Workshop 2023
also satisfies the training pre-requisite for a ‘5 Day Waves workshop’ 🙂

“One of the most deeply nourishing and inspirational experiences of my life. An exquisite mixture of deep 5R practice beautifully held by Bernadette, stunning beaches, divine food and a wonderful group of dancers to share the journey.”
– a Bristolian workshop attendee [more]

See also:

Dates for your diary:
2023 Residential Workshops in Rhossili, South Wales 🙂