*UPDATED* Neil Pinnock taking Bristol class Oct 8

*UPDATED* Neil Pinnock taking Bristol class Oct 8

Due to circumstances beyond our control (see below), Bernadette is unable to take the class on Oct 8, and Neil Pinnock has kindly stepped in to take it at very short notice.

Many of you will know Neil and have done classes and workshops with him … so I know you’ll be there if you can (!) — if you haven’t, check out Neil’s website to get a flavour of him and his approach to the 5 Rhythms.

Just to clarify: Bernadette has tested positive for Covid-19 🙁 She (a) has had it before and (b) is fully vaccinated, so is neither seriously ill, nor at significant risk, but it is deeply unpleasant and, most important, she doesn’t want to give it to anyone else, and is isolating at home. Thank you to everyone who has kindly asked after her 🙂

With Love

Jon (for Bernadette and team) xxx