5Rhythms® Dance with Bernadette Ryder

5Rhythms® Dance with Bernadette Ryder

What to bring, wear, do avoid...

A sub-section included on various pages across the website – here is the content in its own page, in case you want to save it somewhere, or even print it out (but please think of the trees and don’t unless you really need to).

5Rhythms is both a very ‘free’ individual practice which offers significant permission – while simultaneously being a group/community practice which calls for consideration and respect for the group process.

Bring & wear

  • Loose clothing in which to move freely, and have a good sweat! – layers are good;
  • Something warm to put on or wrap round you when not dancing;
  • A water bottle;
  • Your curiosity!
  • Please don’t wear any kind of fragrance – the dance is an environment that heightens allergies and other sensitivities.
  • For safety, bags, valuables etc may be brought into the hall/studio.

Some dos & don’ts

  • FEET:
    Many find bare feet easy and comfortable – some prefer Dance Sneakers which prevent sore feet and give support to arches, knees and ankles;
  • Other shoes are not recommended: trainers have too much grip so are hard on knees.
  • Don’t dance in socks – they slip too easily!

“Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?” – Gabrielle Roth

This is a meditation/embodiment practice which has clear boundaries which need to be honoured if the full potential of this work is to be achieved:

  • Don’t use phones/tablets, even on silent – if you need to check on a babysitter or something, take devices outside the hall/studio (or, at Horfield, outside the building) and check them there.
  • Don’t talk – words take us straight back into our heads!
  • Arrive on time – the warm-up, including the initial ‘unguided’ warm-up is an important part of the process. The doors will be locked and there is no admittance 15 minutes after the start.
  • Stay until the end both for yourself, and for the group – if you leave early you will disrupt the collective energy and your own process will be incomplete.

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