Jean Rankin in Bristol, Friday Feb 21 (drop-in)

Jean Rankin in Bristol, Friday Feb 21 (drop-in)

We love dancing with Jean – it’s always a joy to welcome her to Bristol, whether to take the class, or sometimes simply to dance with us ๐Ÿ˜€ – and she seems to be going from strength to strength at the moment.
If you’ve not danced with her recently, come and see what we mean (and if you have, you’ll need no further encouragement from me ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

Here’s what her latest profile on the 5 Rhythms Global website says:

“The dance floor is my palette, my playground and my prayer mat. Music is my lifeline. My moving breathing dancing body is my home and my pleasure zone. From all the way in to all the way out, the Rhythms guide me to my essence, my naturalness, my medicine. Both stimulating and soothing, challenging and relaxing, there is nothing this dance is not, because it is life lived in the moment, in every moment, with conscious awareness.”


See you on the dance floor
With love
Bernadette, Jon, team, & all our fabulous guests xxx

5 Rhythms February Fridays:
This month (well, from Jan 31), we have the privilege of dancing with five different teachers – each with their unique teaching style, they share a gift for making the profound both accessible and (when appropriate) playful. They are:
– 31 Jan – Andrew Holmes
– 7 Feb – Bernadette
– 14 Feb – Dawn Morgan
– 21 Feb – Jean Rankin
– 28 Feb – Jessica Howie
Bernadette is back on Mar 6th.
Details of guest teachers can be found on the ‘Classes‘ page and/or join our mailing list to stay up to date ๐Ÿ™‚