Jean Rankin’s back in town – come and dance

Jean Rankin’s back in town – come and dance

Dear Dancers

Friday 5Rhythms® in Bristol

Jean Rankin

Friday 5Rhythms® in Bristol with Jean Rankin
Horfield Parish Church Hall
June 28, 2024, 8:30-10:30pm 

This week you have another opportunity to dance with the fabulous Jean Rankin. She needs no introduction for so many of you – playful and profound, mischievous and magical. Even more special now that she no longer teaches weekly in Glastonbury, so don’t miss this chance to dance with her here. 

check availability &


and last call for…

Feel vital 

Feel alive


Fire on Rhossili Beach

The energy of the sun animates the earth, expands your capacity to love, to care, to feel passion in and for your life. Dive into your relationship with Fire – feel alive

Residential Heartbeat workshop 

with Bernadette Ryder 
Rhossili, Gower Coast, South Wales 
June 27-30

and finally for your diary… on a Sunday morning soon…

5Rhythms Sweat logo

Monday 5Rhythms® Sweats in Weston-super-Mare

Hutton Primary School, Church Lane, Hutton, Weston-s-Mare, BS24 9SN
14th July 2024, 10:30am – 12:30pm
with Jon Ralls, 5Rhythms Teacher in Training
(mentored by Ajay Rajani & Bernadette Ryder)

A Rhythms® Sweat begins with a gentle warm-up and demonstration followed by an unguided Wave where the music moves you and your body is the teacher. 
full details here:
(also now Sundays monthly in Weston-super-Mare)

All Love, 
Jon, for Bernadette, Jean & team xxx

See also: