Workshop: Re-Wilding Creativity <br>* it’s not too late *

Workshop: Re-Wilding Creativity
* it’s not too late *

Hands drawing each other and dancing woman
©2023 Bernadette Ryder

Discover and Recover Your Innate Creativity through Dance and…

Discovering and Recovering innate Creativity through Dance and…

Residential 5 Rhythms Workshop 
Rhossili, South Wales, 
September 20-24, 2023 
with Bernadette Ryder

5 day programme, blending the potency of 5 Rhythms dance with a wealth of creative exercises, in a cocktail designed to unlock your latent creativity and discover the natural brilliance of your innate Artistic Self.

Dear Dancers 

We are so excited to be offering you this body of Bernadette’s work – last run as a weekly course, this time fully immersive as a 5 day workshop, in the beauty of the Gower Coast for extra inspiration. 

Here are the basics (below/right) – [much more here] – and I would like to add a few words about my own experience of this work: 

“I assisted on Bernadette’s ‘Awakening the Creative Self’ course back in 2016, thinking of my role as mainly practical support and another chance to dance every week… I hadn’t thought very much about the course itself (lol). I was totally swept into it, and ended up (to my own amazement) not just writing poetry, but taking it to ‘poetry slams’. Others in the group were inspired, and supported each other, to set aside time every week for their chosen creative activities – it was life-changing. Purely personally, I can’t recommend this work highly enough … and by the way, it was also enormous fun” star-struck emoji

All Love, 
Jon, for Bernadette & team xxx

Summary Details

Sept 20 – 24, 2023
Rhossili, S. Wales 
With: Bernadette Ryder

Tuition: £499 (including all art materials)
plus Food & Accomm 
– full details here

Format: 5 day Residential
Level: Waves/Elective
(5R TT candidates: – see web page).

Worms Head and Rhossili Beach