We’re back – Friday classes ‘IRL’,
new website & Spring Wave 5
Dear Beautiful Dancers,
First, what we know so many have been waiting to hear …
Open 5 Rhythms Classes ‘In Real Life’ at Horfield
restart Weekly from Friday May 21st @8:30pm
limited numbers, pre-booking essential*
We say ‘we’re back’ … we never really went away. Thank you again for all your lovely messages about the Online Waves, and the support they have been to you. In particular from those who have gathered friends on Zoom calls to dance them together – it’s beautiful to hear that they have also catalysed these connections.
Since last March, Bernadette’s online waves had more than 7000 plays
Here is what might just be the final new ‘Online Wave’ – here on our new website – where hopefully you’ll also find everything else quicker, easier, and prettier, especially on your mobile devices.
Enjoy – and for those of us who will still dance at home, there will continue to be Online Waves on the new website – bookmark this page:
Looking forward ridiculously to dancing with some of you next week – and others, do join us soon.
With Love
Jon, for Bernadette & team xxx
*P.S. Classes are likely once again to book up well in advance, so plan ahead if you can. That said, it’s always worth checking the website on the day, in case of last minute cancellations.